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June 15, 2011
Trustees of Trust Funds, Town of Princeton
June 15, 2011
Town Hall Annex, Princeton, MA
Call to Order: 7:08 p.m.
Attending Trustees : Kevin Heman, Phil Mighdoll, and Steve Mirick

We awarded the Annual TPS Scholarships:
  • Madeline Fife (82-5-002-000) – one award $250 for Peter Sparks
  • J. J. Connor (82-5-012-000) – two awards of $50 each for Judith Mason and Robert Fern
  • Elsie L. Vaughan (82-5-014-000) – two awards of $300 each for Meghan Tessitore and Zachary Fournier
All awards were unanimously approved. There was some discussion on how to increase the trusts for
TPS Scholarships, since two of the funds are almost depleted.

We discussed a question on the Open Meeting Law. We sent an E-mail to Lynne Grettum (Town Clerk)
on the matter. We will wait for Lynne's response to this matter.

The board agreed to assist the Hearts for Heat regarding their next Holiday House Tour. We will
coordinate with Hearts for Heat on exact details.

We agreed to approve past meeting minutes at our next meeting.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:35 p.m.The next meeting is TBA.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kevin J. Heman, Trustee